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OpenApp has been awarded the Excellence in CSR by an SME in the Chambers Ireland Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2018

OpenApp won for their project Rare100. Rare diseases affect an estimated 300 million people around the world and 30 million in Europe alone. Despite this, there is no cure for the majority of rare diseases and many go undiagnosed.  Rare100 provides a free web-enabled patient registry for patient organisations supporting an ultra-rare condition. This enables organisations to gather data which will improve the lives of people suffering with rare diseases. 

OpenApp’s CSR programme demonstrated company-wide engagement and impressed the judging panel by performing consistently well across all aspects of CSR.  OpenApp was presented with a specially commissioned trophy designed by Waterford Crystal. 

Speaking at the Awards ceremony was Sara Viegas, Product Manager, OpenApp 

“We are delighted to win this award. Rare100, is a feature rich, free web-enabled patient registry for patient organisations with a population of less than 100 patients. 

We have a number of patient organisations who are benefiting from Rare100 including ultra rare diseases such as Tay Sachs and MSD. The CATS foundation which is the patient organisation behind Tay Sachs in the UK is close to getting a clinical trial underway, because of their patient registry. This is great news for a disease that has no known cure or treatment. We are humbled to receive this award on behalf of the company and the organisations we work with.” 

Ian Talbot, Chief Executive of Chambers Ireland said at the Awards ceremony, 

“Ireland today is a wellspring of vital and inventive CSR practices across the business spectrum and the annual CSR Awards are the perfect opportunity to celebrate and pay tribute to the most exciting projects happening today. Over the past fifteen years of the awards, the bar continues to be raised in terms of the level of ingenuity behind each applicant’s projects as well as the depth of engagement with sustainable and socially responsible goals. 

Congratulations to OpenApp and the winners of the fourteen excellence in CSR award categories, whom we recognise for their achievements in best practice CSR.” 

Founded in 2002, we are a healthcare IT company that has grown to nearly 50 employees, are blazing a trail to support the rare disease communities.  Learn more about our work here. 


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